Jesus is Superior than the Prophets and the Angels and so is His message! Hebrews 1 & 2
If the message of the angels was binding and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we believers, ESCAPE if we ignore such a great salvation spoken by Jesus? 2:2-3
What is this great salvation?
Believers' sins are atoned by our Lord Jesus Christ and we are going to inherit salvation.
Why Jesus?
God said, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father." - Sacrifice of the Son is accepted by God
God said, "Let all God's angels worship Him" - Worship of the Son is directed by God
God said, "You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness." - The Son's righteous life is accepted by God.
God said, " You remain the same, and your years will never end." - The Son has everlasting life with the everlasting God.
God said, "Sit at my right hand." - The Son has a position with God that angels do not have.
How did Jesus do this? Why only Jesus?
Because Jesus suffered death! Jesus rose from the dead! Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God as our high priest!
From Hebrews 2 this is what we know about Jesus:
Jesus is the God with Authority, "Everything is subject to him" (2:8)
Jesus is God, who humbled himself to be made lower than the angels to experience death since angels do not die.
Jesus is God, who humbled himself to become like a man to experience suffering, since men suffer in this sinful world.
Jesus is God, who humbled himself by putting on flesh and blood to experience death to destroy the devil who holds the power of death and free us from our fear of death.
Jesus is God, who humbled himself by becoming a Jew to experience temptation, since Abraham's descendants who had the law of God to be holy were guilty of yielding to the temptations of sin against a Holy God.
Today are you drifting away?
Today are you in need of peace with God?
Today are you feeling choked with life?
Today do you need freedom from within?
Today are you in need of inner peace?
Has your sinful life taken you away from God's peace?
Return to God!
Accept God's solution to offer you peace!
Accept the peace that God offers by believing in Jesus.
Jesus was made to die on your behalf!
Jesus has experienced all your sufferings!
Jesus has experienced all your temptations!
Jesus has experienced the death of all your sin!
Jesus has destroyed the devil who holds the power of your death!
Jesus has set you free from the fear of death!
Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God as your high priest!
Jesus is God and the only one who can give you inner peace!
Sincerely pray this prayer:
Dear God,
I accept that I am a sinner. I have rejected you through my sinful life, speech and beliefs.
Today, I believe in your Son, Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sins and in my place.
I repent of my sins and I turn from my wicked ways of life.
Please forgive my sins.
I commit my life to follow you for the rest of my life.
Please enable me with your Holy Spirit to inherit this great salvation.
Now pray this prayer again!
For other personal prayers and encouragement call Pastor Nitin Christopher at 214-449-2454 |
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